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Welcome John! Glad to know that you're back on track and recovering well! Could you find something in your habituation process in particular that in your case could possible made a positive change in the way that you passed from severe depression to a habituation state?
Welcome John! Glad to know that you're back on track and recovering well! Could you find something in your habituation process in particular that in your case could possible made a positive change in the way that you passed from severe depression to a habituation state?
Hi Nuno. A lot of things helped me, including David's videos, sound therapy. One major turning point was accepting that I might have tinnitus for the rest of my life and that there was nothing I could do about the sound - I remember it wasn't a good day! Even though that was a horrendous thing to face, things seemed to improve after that because I wasn't trying to cure myself or google information about tinnitus. Just made a decision to carry on with my responsibilities, even if I was desperately unhappy - still had a job to do, still had a family to look after, still had friends to look out for. Things improved greatly after that, and I started to not hear my tinnitus for short periods. There's lots of other stuff but I think that (acceptance) was a big turning point. I'm by no means fully recovered - definitely haven't got it all figured out and I still have my (occasional)bad days but in general I'm improving all the time. Hope you're able to do the same
Hi everyone. I'm John, and I have experienced significant tinnitus for just over 18 months now. I did have very, very low tinnitus prior to this for a few years - I could only hear it in the dead of night and even then had to really focus in order to find it. I also occasionally found it when doing a bit of meditation. At such a low level, it didn't bother me in the slightest.
I developed an ear infection in August 2021 which wouldn't go away and in September I woke in the morning hearing very noticeable tinnitus in my right ear. This got a little worse over next couple of weeks and I went through some severe depression. I'm a musician so this impacts my life in every aspect, not that non-musicians can't suffer terribly. I'm happy to say I've habituated to my tinnitus a great deal and often have days where I don't hear it. Life is pretty much back on track and most of the time I'm just fine. Very much appreciated your videos, David, so decided to join your group. Appreciate everything you've done for us, and I hope I can assure anyone who has recently developed tinnitus that things can improve a great deal. Hope everyone is doing ok
Great to hear your story. And thanks for joining our forums too. I really feel like if people know what to do they can get better and stay better. Stories like yours are what keep me going. So thank you again for sharing.
Hi everyone. I'm John, and I have experienced significant tinnitus for just over 18 months now. I did have very, very low tinnitus prior to this for a few years - I could only hear it in the dead of night and even then had to really focus in order to find it. I also occasionally found it when doing a bit of meditation. At such a low level, it didn't bother me in the slightest.
I developed an ear infection in August 2021 which wouldn't go away and in September I woke in the morning hearing very noticeable tinnitus in my right ear. This got a little worse over next couple of weeks and I went through some severe depression. I'm a musician so this impacts my life in every aspect, not that non-musicians can't suffer terribly. I'm happy to say I've habituated to my tinnitus a great deal and often have days where I don't hear it. Life is pretty much back on track and most of the time I'm just fine. Very much appreciated your videos, David, so decided to join your group. Appreciate everything you've done for us, and I hope I can assure anyone who has recently developed tinnitus that things can improve a great deal. Hope everyone is doing ok

Very good news John, i'm glad to know that you are managing it much better now.
That great news John. But im curiiouse as it’s different for everyone. What does habituation mean to you.
Hi Manny

I think you’re right, it’s different for everyone. For me it means a couple of things. Firstly, when I do hear my tinnitus – on some days maybe only a moment or two, on other days quite frequently – I usually have a fairly muted reaction. I don’t hit the roof like I did at first! Secondly, it means that for a significant amount of time I don’t hear it. If I listen for it, I can find it no problem! Like a lot of things, it depends on the day – sometimes it takes me 5-10 seconds to find it, sometimes it’s instant. The frustrating thing for me was that I had to nail the reaction part first before I started to have periods of not hearing it. I suppose I had to convince my brain that it wasn’t a threat-not easy, and it’s an ongoing process. Hope that’s of some help. I definitely haven’t got it all figured out but despite the odd setback I’m finding slow, gradual improvement, and most days I really am ok. Same for you, I hope. I may post in your “success stories” if I ever feel I can set things down properly in words.
That would be great. We need more stories. I’m slowly getting there. When I mean slowly it’s slow but that’s ok. I hear it but don’t fear it. I still do what I want when I want.